每个人都有一个网络昵称(2020- )
Everyone Has an Online Nickname
Everyone Has an Online Nickname
喵喵 meow
明天更美好 Tomorrow will be better.
拽拽 I am very cool
明天更漫长 Tomorrow will be longer
开心的马骝 Happy Mule
我是谁 Who am I
在路上 On the road
人有情太累 Being too emotional is exhausting
脚踏日月鼎乾坤 Step on the Ding of Sun and Moon, Control the Universe
付钱下车 Pay and get off the car
风吹蛋蛋凉 Wind blows, eggs feel cold.
灵魂该被谁掌控 The soul should be controlled by whom?
智能销售智能指纹锁 Intelligent sales of intelligent fingerprint locks
渴望明天 Longing for tomorrow
陪我走过最美的时光 Accompany me through the most beautiful time
龙行天下 The Dragon Rules the World